Monday, August 17, 2009


Hi, my name is Dave Snyder and I'm taking two days a week (gasp) to spend some quality time with my (pauses to guzzle coffee) kids before they ("Spencer no blueberry hands on the futon sofa!") go off to college (wipes streams of sweat from forehead) and so today we played tennis (wipes hands on already soaking wet shirt) with Grandpa and then ("Baby Nora please stop wailing, we have no more milk!") after nap-time we replaced a lost basketball at Target (twinge from left plantar fascia) and then went to the Children's Museum (gasp)...

Things I would rather not remember (a la the Matrix):
Nasty skinned knee before 9am (Spencer)
Dueling meltdowns at Hiawatha tennis courts (both)
Too early nap leads to staggeringly drowsy afternoon (Spencer)

Things I would like to remember:
Spencer loving tennis with Grandpa
Grandpa impressed with my 'mirroring' technique that finally calms Spence
Nora grinning at me (and passerby) and making feints at crawling
Spencer spontaneously wishing me Shabbat Shalom again
Spencer clasping his new basketball to his chest at Target, saying "thank you thank you thank you Papa!"
Kristy coming home with a nice book and card for me

Song of the day: Manic Monday (not so original but I'm not thinking any harder)
Dinner of the day: Sweet & Sour Red Cabbage with Berries (from Mollie Katzen)

Oh what the heck. I want to remember everything. Nice day.

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