Friday, August 21, 2009

Scenes from the Mall.

I've never seen Spencer run so fast. But I understood. We weren't playing Dora the Explorer anymore, we were *living* Dora the Explorer! There she stood, a good 50 yards ahead of us, larger than life. As Spencer streaked over towards her, she clasped her puffy hands to her cheeks and then waved. He wasted no time, leaping into her arms for a big hug before 'talking shop'-- how's Boots doing, has Swiper swiped anything of value recently, etc., you know, the basic stuff.

One more reason I secretly love the Mall of America. (looks down)

It wasn't exactly a banner day. Spence didn't start off well rested, and we did decide that it was too cold and wet outside this morning to warrant tennis in the park ("we decided"... there was one lone dissenting opinion). So he fell asleep early, in the car, for 45 minutes, and woke up quite unhappy about something indescribable. Nora was content to be held as we scooted through the Great Mall; had some milk, and smiled beguilingly enough that one woman at the mall came over to admire her, and seemed offended that I didn't offer to let her hold Nora. She didn't ask, but she waited for a good 30 seconds.

My mom saved the day-- came over at 2, and took Spence to the park with a snazzy new frisbee and tennis balls while Nora and I napped. I woke up groggy, thick-headed, and shuffled through a house that seems to get messy immediately after each cleaning (shocking), like Homer Simpson's five o'clock shadow. Then Kristy came home at 5 and I stumbled out the door on the flimsy pretense of needing groceries. I forgot the most important items, forgot my check card and generally remained porridge-headed all evening.

What needs to stick with me after today?

Spencer doing his own version of smiley 'baby-talk' to Nora, who is endlessly delighted by him.
Nora looking up at me as I feed her a bottle.
My half-baked thought of a thousand parent march (strollers and all) for universal health care.
Spencer's delight at and articulate patter with his Bubbeh (grandma- my mom).
Kristy's kindness in 'talking me down' from being stressed out.

Poem of the day: Rilke's "Autumn Day"...

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