Sunday, August 16, 2009

t-minus 8 hours.

In about 8 hours (with luck) Spencer will wake up and begin calling for Papa. That's me. For the last few weeks I've prepped him to say the magic phrase: "Papa, BE A PAPA. Let's go play TENNIS in the PARK." He's gotten pretty good at it. So you can often find us at Longfellow or Brackett park at about 7am, armed with two kids tennis racquets, several tennis balls, cereal bars and water, a diaper changing pad, diapers and wipes, sunglasses, and sunscreen. As horrible as I am at tennis, I've really grown to enjoy the routine.

In 8 hours, there will be a big change. In 8 hours, our tennis routine will be the beginning of a full day spent with Spencer and Nora-- and the diminished work week will be book-ended with another full day with them, on Friday.

I am elated (this was my choice to go part-time) and terrified.

I decided to call this blog "high impact papa" because on those few occasions that I've been alone with both of my offspring, it has been extremely high impact. As in a high impact aerobics class that leaves one (me) drenched in sweat and gasping for breath and smelling unsavory. It brings to mind my infrequent attempts at swimming over the years. The last time was during my time at Johns Hopkins (I dabbled in political philosophy before dropping out to become a union organizer)-- I tried to swim at the JHU pool one day for exercise, and found that, since I didn't know how to swim, what I was doing was something like controlled doses of drowning-- guaranteed to burn calories but a bit too much trauma for recreational activities, for me at least.

Tomorrow will certainly be tough, but I will consider it a success if no significant bodily harm befalls either kid, and if each of us enjoys parts of the day, even amidst the melt-downs (including me). Stay tuned...


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, D.

  2. I love this, David. Noam and I have been spending quality time togehter on Thursdays and Fridays too so I can so relate...although the dreaded preschool is looming and I will have to decide if I would send him for days we're paying for or pay for unattended preschool days and spend some highlyscheduled-by10amI'mreadytosellthebabytothehighestbidder-amsoinlovewithhissweetness-loveeveryminute days! We're at the pool, playgroups, library, more playgroups, more playdates and, this fall, another class. I'm telling you, I've actually fallen asleep at our EI playgroup because I'm so worn out, but it is worth every second of every minute.
    We'll be thinking of you and your tennis games.
    Abby [Leibel using Meir's account]
    ps did you know that my father can't swim either...I wonder if this is an inherited gene?! =)
